Marrakesh Block Variations

Hello quilters!
I'm excited to share Marrakesh with all of you! This pattern gives you the freedom to experiment with color and how you want to break down the block, allowing each quilter to create a personalized look.
When I decided to release this pattern I wanted to update the look form the original quilt I made in 2020. I designed this for The Color Collective folks, and at that time really wanted to show the great variety of looks you could achieve depending on how you used color and value. Here's a picture of that original quilt.

For my latest version I really wanted to unify the design and simplify the look of the quilt. I messed around with different colorations of the block, and decided on this one, where the elements are unified by color, and the quilt as a whole is unified by using the same color for the background.

There are a lot of ways to organize the block through different color and value placement, and I'm going to share some mock ups below that showcase different block designs. I'm going to keep the colors consistent so you can really see the differences in the look of the block.
I hope these will get your design mind buzzing and inspire you to play with this block! Next week I'll share some different color palette mockups.
Until then have fun and I hope you get to enjoy some sewing time.
you can purchase the pattern HERE!